Oaks night nurse raises money for cancer charity by doing a 6000 sit-up challenge

Nurse Angie Bruns at Oaks Hospital has raised £2.400 for the Royal Marsden Cancer Charity by completing a sit up challenge, this is what Angie said of her achievement:

“I signed up to complete 3,000 Sit Ups throughout March to raise money for The Royal Marsden Cancer Charity, which I completed in 13 days so I decided to double the target to 6,000 to see if I could do it and how much more I could raise in the process. On the 23rd March, I did my 6,000 sit up and have currently raised £2,400 for the charity! The challenge was to be competed throughout March, so I’ve decided to keep going until the end of the month as my fundraising page will stay open for donations until 6th April.

I have always been passionate about fundraising and love to take on a new challenge. I am doing this for every patient I’ve looked after who has passed away from Cancer; Every patient who I’ve watched beat Cancer and go into remission and every friend of mine who has had Cancer in theirs and their loved ones lives many times.

I hope that raising funds and awareness will make a small difference to someone’s life”.

You can donate here.
