On Friday 22nd March 2024 some of the Cobalt team attended ‘The Better Health At Work Awards’ Ceremony at The Crown Plaza, in Newcastle and received an incredible GOLD award!
This is a huge achievement that the whole team are extremely proud of.
Background to Better Health at Work Awards (BHAWA)
BHAWA is the largest workplace health and wellbeing programme in England established in 2009 to take health and wellbeing into the work place; to promote a healthy workplace which in turn has considerable benefits for employers and can lead to decreased absenteeism, increased productivity and improved performance.
The BHAWA supports and recognises the efforts of employers addressing health and wellbeing in the workplace. There are 5 levels to the award with appropriate criteria at each stage to build into an Award Portfolio:
- Bronze
- Silver
- Gold
- Continuing Excellence
- Maintaining Excellence
Organisations are given up to a year per level, but there is flexibility for those who need it. Evidence indicates that it takes a period of time to effectively establish the infrastructure that will engage employees in adopting behaviour/lifestyle changes. This is why ALL employers are required to begin at Bronze and progress systematically upwards through the levels.
Cobalt Hospital commenced the BHAWA campaign in 2020 and has achieved to date the Gold award, focusing on continuing Excellence in 2024 for the next award
Bronze Award - Deliver a health needs assessment with a 30% return rate, campaigns were based on the results
- Raise health awareness with the workforce, through a minimum of three health campaigns/themes throughout the year, based on the outcome of your health needs assessment
- 3 Campaigns wellbeing, exercise and nutrition with 3 elements per campaign
Silver Award - Cobalt participated in a minimum of four local, regional or national campaigns throughout the year, and ensure these activities are fully evaluated
- A commitment to equality, diversity and inclusion will be demonstrated across the organisation’s policy, procedure and practice
- 4 Campaigns weight loss, sustainable living, physical exercise and health and wellbeing, with 3-4 elements per campaign and also submitted a case study
- Blog written about our Domestic Violence champion and published in the North East Enterprise forum web site
Gold Award - This level builds upon the Silver level and requires companies to look outside their own organisation and promote health within the wider community.
- Cobalt participated in a minimum of five campaigns nutrition, wellbeing, physical exercise, menopause and alcohol awareness, a case study was also submitted.
- A follow-up Health Needs Assessment was offered to the workforce
- Development of a staff wellbeing strategy
Cobalt Hospital's Wellbeing Strategy (2023 - 2026)
To develop a sense of organisation, team, and individual health, contentment and resilience, in which employees are supported to make informed choices and engage in positive wellbeing behaviours
Our Wellbeing Vision
To empower all staff at Cobalt Hospital to enable the right environment and behaviours so that individual and organisational wellbeing is embedded in everything we do. Creating a healthy, content, resilient and productive workforce who are able to work to the best of their ability.
Julie Davidge, our Head of Clinical Services, said "We are delighted to be taking part in the awards, it has benefited every department in our hospital, boosted morale, enhanced our collaborative working and introduced healthy competition. Progressing through the awards to gold has allowed us to create a well-being strategy for our hospital focused on creating healthier people in our organisation."
Our Health advocates are vital to the award process, they are passionate about health and well-being for the benefit of all. A huge well done to them all for their hard work, drive and commitment.
With our People Caring For People motto we feel our values are aligned to those of the BHAWA.