Flexible cystoscopy (female) is a procedure that uses a flexible telescope to look for and treat problems in your bladder.
Our expert urologists are highly experienced in cystoscopy. They use flexible cystoscopy for women to diagnose bladder problems, take biopsy samples, and treat small polyps or bladder stones.
An initial convenient consultation without waiting can simply be booked at a Ramsay Hospital of your choice. Your consultant will take a detailed medical history, examine your abdomen and pelvis, and ask about your symptoms and their impact on your health and wellbeing. They will explain how you need to prepare for your cystoscopy and what will happen during your procedure. They will answer all of your questions. Your consultant may arrange other on-site tests and investigations including blood tests and a pelvic ultrasound.
Many of our hospitals have dedicated state-of-the-art endoscopy suites that use the latest equipment and technology. They are JAG accredited for their high-quality endoscopy services. Your flexible cystoscopy is quick and safely performed under a local anaesthetic. If needed, you will benefit from a fast turnaround of biopsy results or further treatment.
All Ramsay hospitals follow strict protocols to control and prevent infection, including Covid 19.