This year Ramsay Health Care celebrates 60 years of global expertise in healthcare. We have interviewed some of our people who form a key part of our success, providing outstanding patient care across our network of Hospitals.
We speak to Lloyd Fenech, Operations Manager at Duchy Hospital as he celebrates 34 years with Ramsay Health Care UK.

How long have you worked at Ramsay and what is your current role, what role did you start with and what role(s) have progressed through?
I have worked in the company since 4th Sept ’89, 34 years 8 months, starting at Gloucester clinic a small hospital owned then by Community hospitals Group CHG as 2nd chef, then moved to new build -Winfield hospital as Head chef which became under the ownership of Capio. i have progresses, over time since being owned by Ramsay becoming responsible for the majority of the operational departments of the hospital as operations manager. Roles in between with Ramsay catering manager, facilities manager, support services manager , operations manager, regional operations manager (covering bodmin treatment centre – now closed, mount stuart hospital and Duchy hospital. For the past 10 years I have been working as operations manager at Duchy hospital as SLT member responsible for H&S, Information security, Reception, admissions, Medical secretary’s, maintenance, supplies, housekeeping portering and catering. Responsible for managing £1m departmental budgets and contributing to the over all success of Duchy hospital.
What is your most memorable experience / greatest achievement you've had during your time with Ramsay?
Securing the role as Operations manager at Duchy hospital, located in Cornwall, Leading and supporting a diverse range of departments.
What do you love most about working for Ramsay?
The security of working for a forward thinking world wide organisation, whilst being able to provide services to a local community, with the hospital maintaining a local culture.
What is something that makes you smile during your work day?
Lunch! The SLT team I work closely with, there are many occasions we have a good laugh, and with the wider hospital teams, knowing the majority by Name. Some of the teams in blue pyjamas and face masks are less recognisable at times.
The motorcycle ride home.
Why would you recommend working for Ramsay to someone else?
It continues to reinvest, has a genuine desire to progress, provide the best service and build a culture of empathy and respect.