Examination and treatment of Ear, Nose and Throat disorders. Waiting for treatment can be painful, it is important that we act quickly to manage the condition and prevent it from restricting our lifestyles.
Enquire TodayInformation on various allergies, what to do if you suffer a reaction, and the best ways to avoid them.
Find out moreA myringoplasty is an operation to repair a hole (perforation) in the eardrum (tympanic membrane).
Find out moreSurgery to widen the passage between the sinus and your nose so that mucus does not become trapped.
Find out moreA grommet (small plastic or metal tube) allows air to enter the middle ear, preventing fluid build up.
Find out moreA cholesteatoma is where a sac of dead skin cells forms in a pocket in the middle ear.
Find out moreTotal thyroid surgery removes all of your thyroid gland. It is performed to treat thyrotoxicosis, most often when your thyroid gland is severely swollen or you have acute symptoms such as eye problems caused by an overactive thyroid.
Find out moreA thyroidectomy is an operation to remove all or part of your thyroid gland to treat thyroid gland diseases.
Find out moreIf your goitre is unsightly or interfering with your breathing or swallowing and it has not responded to other forms of treatment, you may need surgery to remove part or all of your thyroid gland. This procedure is known as a thyroidectomy.
Find out moreA Tonsillectomy is a common and relatively quick surgery, most often performed to prevent tonsillitis or recurring sore throats. It is also carried out if the tonsils are swollen or large and cause breathing difficulties or sleep disorders.
Find out moreSurgery to remove adenoids (part of a group of lymphoid tissues that help fight infection.
Find out moreA grommet (small plastic or metal tube) allows air to enter the middle ear, preventing fluid build up.
Find out moreOur expert consultants are committed to offering excellent care as soon as you need it; that's why they dedicate time to offer complimentary advice, with no obligation, so you can be sure before making a decision. Hear and speak to a Consultant within the speciality of your choice; get the information you need and all your questions answered to help you make a decision on your next steps in your healthcare journey.
View EventsOur specialist team will discuss your symptoms with you and advise on appropriate treatment tailored to you.
Based on your individual requirements your treatment will begin when you are ready and at a convenient time to suit you.
Our comprehensive aftercare provides support and guidance throughout your treatment and recovery journey.
Mayor for Tees Valley, Ben Houchen, visited Tees Valley Hospital this week to see first-hand the exceptional work to provide patients with faster, high-quality care at no extra cost to the NHS.
Labour MP for Doncaster Central Sally Jameson has visited Ramsay Health Care UK’s Park Hill Hospital in the city to see how the hospital delivers better health outcomes for local patients.
Another fantastic milestone by the Woodland Team. Led by Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon, Mr D Shukla and Consultant Anaesthetist Dr A Swami, we have achieved 100 robotic knee replacement surgeries this year.