Six Months of Aquablation Therapy at The Yorkshire Clinic

Q&A with Mr Alistair Stewart, Consultant Urologist


1. How have you found your first six months performing the Aquablation procedure?

I am really enjoying being able to offer our patients the benefits of the latest robotic technology to treat BPH.


2. What makes Aquablation different from other treatments for BPH?

Unlike other treatments it uses real-time ultrasound imaging to guide a robotic hypersonic heat free water jet. This results in maximum results but minimal sexual side effects. The risk of ejaculatory and erectile failure is something that can deter men from the other options and is one of the reasons that demand for Aquablation has been high.


3. What has the patient feedback been like so far?

Good! The first cohort have been seen or are coming up to their 3 month follow up appointments. Those who had catheters before surgery for retention are catheter free and we are seeing some impressive improvements in flow rates and International Prostate Symptom Scores (IPSS) with preserved sexual function. As this is a new technique we will of course be auditing the results carefully.

It wouldn’t be true to say it has all been plain sailing. As it is an invasive procedure there has been as expected some bleeding, particularly with the much larger prostates which are always going to be more difficult to treat whichever option you choose. Having said that they all settled and there have not been any transfusions.


4.  Can you describe a standout case where Aquablation made a significant difference in a patient’s quality of life?

I think the patient testimony from Martin Box says it all! Another patient said he had to hold back when passing urine due to the speed of the flow, liking it to driving your first Ferrari!


5.  What do you see as the future of Aquablation in urological care?

The 2nd generation will likely use AI to use learning from thousands of cases to help treatment planning. I believe and hope Aquablation will become more widely available in the UK – and why not? Why should men who want a maximum outcome not have the choice to more reliably preserve sexual function?


For more information on Aquablation Therapy see the dedicated page on our website here.