Before and After Gastric Band Surgery

Estimated Reading Time: 3 minutes

Gastric band surgery is a restrictive weight loss surgery as it limits the amount of food you can eat at one time. It is a surgical treatment for obesity and is also known as bariatric surgery. It is a minimally invasive, quick and reversible surgical procedure that decreases the size of the stomach in order to minimise food intake.


What is gastric band surgery?

Gastric band surgery involves placing a silicone band around the upper part of the stomach, which in turn helps to shrink the stomach and so limit the amount of food you can consume. Undergoing this surgery is a big decision and so it’s important to fully understand what you will be dealing with when it comes to gastric band surgery.


Your diet before and after gastric band surgery

To ensure maximum success of your gastric band surgery, you will have to re-learn your dietary habits. This helps lead to positive and lifelong effects of the surgery – the surgery itself will help to aid weight loss, but this weight loss will only be sustainable if you continue to look after yourself. Before and after your surgery, you will need to follow a special diet, which is designed to help reduce the amount of fat in and around your liver. Your doctor – alongside a registered dietician - will usually tailor the general diet guidelines to suit you and the needs of your now smaller stomach and help you develop healthier eating habits.


Lifestyle changes

After gastric band surgery, your body needs time to heal and recover from the procedure. Low impact exercises are recommended for the first month or two such as walking, swimming and simple yoga. You can then work up to things like strength training and cardio after the first few months, provided your doctor gives you the okay first. Other simple lifestyle changes you can make to stay healthy include things like walking instead of riding the bus, parking your car a little further away to get some extra steps in, taking the stairs instead of the elevator etc.


Possible complications after surgery

As with any major surgery, there is always the possibility of complications. However, the likelihood of you suffering from complications is low with this type of bariatric surgery.

Complications can occur after gastric band surgery when the connection between your stomach and intestines become narrowed, which can lead to symptoms such as nausea, vomiting or stomach pain. Some patients also suffer from what is known as the “dumping syndrome” post gastric band surgery, which occurs if food and drink enter your small intestine too quickly and in large amounts.

Gastric band surgery can be an effective option for those who are struggling to lose weight through other method, and need to achieve large and rapid weight loss to improve their overall health.


Weight loss surgery at Ramsay hospitals

At Ramsay Health Care, our weight loss specialists can provide the advice and support you need to help you decide which weight loss surgery is right for you. Don’t hesitate to get in touch if you’d like to talk about your options or make an appointment.

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