Mr Piotr Swiatek is an approved Clearwax ear wax removal specialist in Surrey who has been ENT-trained to perform endoscopic ear wax removal, including E-suction™, to safely clean and clear your blocked ear. Unlike ear syringing and irrigation which attempts to flush out ear wax blindly by pumping water in your ear, E-suction™ gently vacuums ear wax out of the ear under direct vision using our specially developed iCLEARscope™ endoscope.
The bodily process of producing ear wax is completely natural. For many people ear wax goes unnoticed and does not cause any complications. Ear wax usually migrates out of the ear and does not cause any problems. However, in some people this does not occur and can build up and become impacted inside the ear canal.
It is a safe and comfortable method of earwax removal. A microscope and a finely balanced medical suction device is used to remove the ear wax. The fact that we can clearly see the ear canal and what we are doing makes it exceptionally safe. With no liquids involved it is especially comfortable for the patient and it is usually undertaken in a few minutes. A typical appointment to remove wax from both ears should take no longer than 30 minutes.
Use of ear drops for 3-5 days initially, to soften wax is recommended. They can be purchased from a pharmacist or supermarket without the need for prescription, although usually under guidance from a GP, nurse or a medical professional.