Mr Swift is a Consultant General Surgeon in Caterham, Surrey
Abdominal surgery for Crohn's Disease, Anal fistula surgery, Colonoscopy, Colostomy Closure of loop, Haemorrhoidectomy, Hernia repair, inguinal (open), Ileostomy Closure of loop, Colorectal Surgery for Cancer, Rectal bleeding and Haemorrhoids.
British Cancer Association
Association of Coloproctology GBI
Croydon University Hospital
Wednesdays a.m & Fri p.m
Abdominal surgery for Crohn's Disease, Anal fistula surgery, Colonoscopy, Colostomy Closure of loop, Haemorrhoidectomy, Hernia repair, inguinal (open), Ileostomy Closure of loop, Colorectal Surgery for Cancer, Rectal bleeding and Haemorrhoids.
British Cancer Association
Association of Coloproctology GBI