Mr Marcus Cope is a Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon at Renacres Hospital who specialises in hip and knee replacement.
Hip replacement; minimal invasive hip replacement; Hybrid hip replacement; accelerated recovery hip replacement; total Knee replacement; Partial knee replacement; Patello femoral knee replacement; Accelerated recovery knee replacement; Arthroscopy of the knee; meniscal repair; Soft tissue problems around the hip.
Royal Collage of Surgeons of England
British Orthopaedic Association
British Orthopaedic Research Society NHS experience: 2007-17 Southport and Ormskirk NHS Trust 2014-17 Clinical Director of Orthopaedics
FRCS Orth Royal College of Surgeons 2005
MSc Eng University of Leeds 2001
MRCS Royal College of Surgeons 1999
MBBS University of Newcastle upon Tyne 1996
Monday am, Wed pm and Fri am
Hip replacement; minimal invasive hip replacement; Hybrid hip replacement; accelerated recovery hip replacement; total Knee replacement; Partial knee replacement; Patello femoral knee replacement; Accelerated recovery knee replacement; Arthroscopy of the knee; meniscal repair; Soft tissue problems around the hip.
Royal Collage of Surgeons of England
British Orthopaedic Association
British Orthopaedic Research Society NHS experience: 2007-17 Southport and Ormskirk NHS Trust 2014-17 Clinical Director of Orthopaedics
FRCS Orth Royal College of Surgeons 2005
MSc Eng University of Leeds 2001
MRCS Royal College of Surgeons 1999
MBBS University of Newcastle upon Tyne 1996