Mrs Aoife Filmer is a Physiotherapist in Berkshire who specialises in Orthopaedics, based at Berkshire Independent Hospital.
I have been with Ramsay BIH since 2017. Initially my focus and expertise were in sports injuries and MSK rehabilitation including orthopaedics. However, in more recent years my interest and practice has developed to include pelvic health. Working in pelvic health has piqued my interest and passion for this needed specialty. My pelvic health training to date has been via field leading , evidence based and recognised sources such as POGP , Ramsay consultants and Michelle Lyons continued development .
I specialise in management of bladder, bowel and pelvic organ prolapse pathologies, post-op gynaecology & urology patients, peri/postnatal care, dysorgasmia and pain pathologies. My goal is to assist every person with a respectful biopsychosocial approach that ultimately leads to self-management. I work closely with our Urogynecology consultants and links with HRT and menopause specialists to provide you with a wholistic team approach to help you achieve what's most important to you.
Chartered Society of Physiotherapists
Graduate Diploma in Physiotherapy
I have been with Ramsay BIH since 2017. Initially my focus and expertise were in sports injuries and MSK rehabilitation including orthopaedics. However, in more recent years my interest and practice has developed to include pelvic health. Working in pelvic health has piqued my interest and passion for this needed specialty. My pelvic health training to date has been via field leading , evidence based and recognised sources such as POGP , Ramsay consultants and Michelle Lyons continued development .
I specialise in management of bladder, bowel and pelvic organ prolapse pathologies, post-op gynaecology & urology patients, peri/postnatal care, dysorgasmia and pain pathologies. My goal is to assist every person with a respectful biopsychosocial approach that ultimately leads to self-management. I work closely with our Urogynecology consultants and links with HRT and menopause specialists to provide you with a wholistic team approach to help you achieve what's most important to you.
Chartered Society of Physiotherapists
Graduate Diploma in Physiotherapy