At the beginning of November we had Dr. Lewis Turner, Chief Executive of Lancashire LGBT, deliver some LGBTQ+ inclusion sessions to our staff team.
The training covered:
· appropriate terminology
· Difference between sexual orientation and gender identity
· Diverse LGBTQ+ people’s experiences – including older LGBTQ+ people and people of colour/BME people
· The issues that LGBTQ+ people come to Lancashire LGBT for support with
· LGBTQ+ health and healthcare experiences
· What gender reassignment means: social transition and medical transition
· Barriers LGBTQ+ people experience accessing healthcare and how to overcome them
· Trans- specific healthcare
· The Equality Act and what this means in health settings
Training was really well received by all the staff who attended with comments such as:
- A very Informative, interesting presentation delivered in an articulate and sensitive manner that encouraged discussions/question
- Honestly, I didn't think I would be able to learn anymore than I knew. But my mind was blown with the information I was given (in a good way) I think more of this training should be available to all members of staff.
- The training was really informative with a mixture of teaching approaches to suit everyone. Lewis was really approachable and so knowledgeable. Gave us a real insight into the experiences of this group and inspired me to think how we can make our services better so LGBT patients feel safer and know Renacres will support their needs.
As a result of this training staff said they would do the following differently:
- Ask questions of all individuals, rather than assuming
- Provide patients with a list of LGBTQ+ champions then can contact if they have any queries. Liaising with GP practices to improve services and collaboration
- Be more confident with meeting people from the LGBT community and sensitive to some barriers they may experience, particularly in their healthcare journey.