If you have any concerns or questions about our use of your personal data, you can contact us using our online form.
Please see our Privacy Notice for information about how we use your personal data: https://www.ramsayhealth.co.uk/privacy-policy
To help you find the right phone number we have created the list below.
Self pay and Premium Care enquiries - 0843 658 5299
Outpatient Bookings - 01704 842 017 - 01704 842 031
Inpatient bookings - 01704 842 020
Physiotherapy - 01704 842 021
Radiology - 01704 842 022
Hospital Director - 01704 842 002
Head of Clinical Services - 01704 842 002
Operations Manager - 01704 842 002
Ward Reception - 01704 842 026
Outpatient Nurses Station - 01704 842 011
Patient Accounts & Credit Control - 0161 787 3455
GP Liaison Officer - Wendy Williams - 01704 842 052