When a dermatological condition presents itself the safest method of treatment may involve the removal of skin for diagnosis and analysis, to remove an affected area and encourage healing or grafting of skin to facilitate natural dermal repair.
Whilst the term 'skin surgery' sounds scary, it really encompasses so many procedures that can be conducted in the consulting room simply using a local anaesthetic.
Often it is necessary, for diagnosing and treating, to removal small potions of skin and study its characteristics. The factors of age, gender, race, and nationality all impact on the characteristics of our skin, as well as our eating habits, exercise routines, and exposure to environmental elements.
At Ramsay Health Care, our skin surgery procedures include punch biopsy, shave biopsy, curettage/cautery, excisions, flap repair, and skin grafts.
Some of us have hardly any moles whilst others have many. Moles that look abnormal may be harbouring skin cancer therefore it is important to have them checked regularly. Sudden changes in the size or shape of a mole should be reported to your Consultant immediately.
Discover expert care at our new Lumps & Bumps Clinic, led by Mr Pundrique Sharma, Consultant Plastic Surgeon. This specialised clinic offers assessments and minor procedures for small lesions, moles, skin tags, and more.
Renacres Hospital are pleased to announce they have raised over £1,400 for Breast Cancer Now during their Breast Cancer Awareness month, by creating themed hampers which were raffled off to staff and patients.