Safeguarding of children, adults and the wellbeing of Looked After Children are high priorities for Ramsay Health Care and there is strong commitment to ensuring that structures and governance arrangements for safeguarding are robust. The protection of children and adults at risk from abuse and neglect is fundamental to delivering health and wellbeing and core to delivering the quality agenda. Ramsay Health Care also ensures that organisations commissioned to provide services have appropriate safeguarding systems, including clear accessible policy and procedure, safer recruitment, training and governance systems. The principle philosophy is that safeguarding is everybody’s business and all staff will respond and act to raise safeguarding awareness and address any emerging issues.
Minimum safeguarding standards/ arrangements are:
Care and Support Statutory Guidance: Issued under the Care Act (2014).
Regulation 13 Safeguarding Service Users from abuse and improper treatment - Health and Social Care Act 2008 (Regulated Activities) Regulations 2014 (part3) (as amended).
Adult Safeguarding: Roles and Competencies for Health Care Staff - RCN Intercollegiate Document First edition: August 2018