How did you start your career in Sterile Services and how long ago was that?
When I was 19, 30+ years ago, my dad was a porter at our local hospital and he told me about a Technician role in the Sterilisation Department. I did not know what the job was or what it entailed but I applied anyway. I got the job and the rest is history.
How does your role affect the care we provide to the patients and families within our Hospitals?
My role is to manage the Hub and ensure that all the different departments work together in sync to reach the end goal, which is that the Instrumentation is fit for purpose for the patients. If one of those departments were to fall, it could affect the whole process and it may result in an operation being cancelled. I like to think the job that we do is a major part of the whole process and we have a big impact in the patient and their families being happy with the results.
What do you enjoy most about your role?
The flexibility, every day is different, I have good days and bad days no 2 days are the same. When I come in in the mornings, I have a plan for the day but depending on the situation that can sometimes not go to plan. Even though I've been doing this job a long time, I still go home at the end of the week thinking this has been a good week or not a good week. I like to see how my staff are progressing there are so many staff within the unit growing in confidence within their roles and that make me very proud.
Do you hope to progress in your career either within Sterile Services or in any other role in healthcare?
I'm flexible and open to new challenges as I help at other sites if support is needed, but I cannot see myself progressing into a different role as I'm happy as I am, but I'm open to being flexible within that role.
Do you feel Ramsay supports its employees in accessing training and development opportunities to progress their careers?
I feel I have been supported all the way through my career with Ramsay and if I was to ask for some more training support, I feel I would receive it as it will benefit the company in the end.
What makes your unit a special place to work, and how would you describe the culture?
The Team, I have a good team and that is why the unit runs so well. I go to another Ramsay Unit once a month and I'm confident that the unit will run well with the team left in place. I would like to think that the staff feel supported and appreciated and they feel it is a good place to work. All the Teams have regular meeting so staff can talk about any concerns they have and we can work together to help sort it. All the staff know at the end of the day we are here to do a job and that is to help the patient have a better life hopefully that is the reason we do what we do.
Are there any particularly positive moments you have experienced or individuals you have worked with that stand out to you?
When the staff are happy that makes me happy to know they are enjoying their job. I've met many individuals along the way some have made a positive impact some not so much, but it is all a learning curve and it has made me the manager I am.